Matthew Konchel

President and Managing Attorney at Konchel and Associates PC

Member Spotlight

Chamber Member since 2023
Matthew Konchel headshot photo

Get to Know Matthew Konchel

What do you enjoy most about your job or business industry?

After 25 years of legal practice, I now enjoy taking a distinctly divergent approach to the law, an approach that truly allows me to proactively make big differences in my client’s lives. As a Personal Family Lawyer oriented business and estate planning attorney, I help people get prepared and have the proper plans in place before problems occur and those plans are needed. That way that they can confidently build and maintain a life of prosperity and wealth with greater piece of mind.

In what ways has your chamber membership benefited you and/or your business?

The Chamber has made an enormous impact on both myself and my business. We have such an extraordinary community here, and the Chamber has opened doors and introduced me to people who have already had a great deal of influence on how I think and act. It offers social events and educational events and relationship opportunities and is ultimately there to support you. An entrepreneur or new business owner might be able to succeed without the Chamber, but I don't understand why they would choose to do so. It will just be harder and take so much longer. And now it's going to reach out to the local veteran community as well. What more can be said about that?

How do you define success?

Wow! Success is a relative term. If you accomplish what you have strived to achieve and (most importantly) are happy, then I think that is success. My definition keeps changing over time (as should everyone's), but currently it's probably best defined by a Tony Robbins quote: "Success is being able to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want and as much as you want." So, right now I am successful because I have the freedom to be able to do things independently for myself while making a positive difference in the lives of the people around me.

What business challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?

Like any startup business, the biggest challenge I am facing is getting known in my own community, but that can be overcome by networking and making sure that you delivering on your promises. It takes time to build relationships, but it is so worth it. And sometimes collaboration is stronger than competition. Think long term and big picture.

What makes your business stand out from other businesses offering similar services or products?

In addition to a more personal, relationship-oriented and hands-on approach to lawyering, my practice utilizes a unique system that gives my clients access to information and resources previously available to only the super-wealthy, a system that better protects them from vulnerabilities that are prevalent in the more traditional, old-school style of estate planning currently being practiced in most communities.

Who is someone that inspires you (or any inspirational business books you recommend)?

Teddy Roosevelt. The man was shot while on his way to a political event, yet stoically went on to deliver an 84-minute campaign speech with the bullet lodged in his chest. And no business person should go another day without reading TR's speech, The Man in the Arena: "It is not the critic who counts... The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena... who does actually strive to do the deeds... who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

What’s something about you that most people may not know (favorite band, favorite food, childhood memory, etc.)?

If you don't know me, you will soon learn that I am profoundly fluent in song lyrics and movie quotes. I cannot make it through any sort of conversation without making at least one or two references, and I have now made it a smaller, personal mission to make sure that the classic (and eminently quotable) cult movies and songs do not get lost to history. I mean, I met with a client and his family last month who had never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off! Sacrilege!